Personal Notes

I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything!

Thank you Snuffy for Training me as Manager & Helper - You're the Best ! ===

Friends who are gone ... but will never be forgotten: "OGO" 14 September 2022, "KingsRook" 24 September 2021, "Emcutting" 13 Oct 2009 ~ "Gomer" 12 July 2009 ~ "Dro" - 02 Sep 2007 ~ TheWiz - 07 Jul 2006 ~ KnightHood - 07 May 2004

If you are a patzer like me but perhaps would like to improve your game check out: He makes chess fun because he helps you play a better game ... and if you win more ... :-)

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1176 Best 1316 (13/May/2003)
Type Standard Rating 1408 Best 1658 (28/Sep/2008)
Type 5-minute Rating 1092 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 1361 Best
