Personal Notes

Ozzie orders a Chess set old TV

-------Old Time Radio----------

NYC Detective to Bronx stripper: "So ... you're a stripper, eh?"

"whad'ya THINK?? I was a CHESS player or somethin'??" [Johnny Fortune, Private Eye (1948 radio)]

Kurt Vonnegut makes his Protagonist a descendant of the 1st US Women's Chess Champion in the story _God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater_

an interesting little story you may enjoy is Fritz Leiber's _The 64-Square Madhouse_ (published in IF Reader of Sci-Fi 1966) and thank you for playing me

"Now, we have an impasse here, man. We're in pawn four, Bishop 4 and seven -- let's see. How do I finesse that?"~~~Charles Manson, parole hearing, 1990.

Judson Tate once played Chess with a set carved from the nasal bones of a tapir. (O. Henry, "Next to Reading Matter" [Everybody's Magazine, Dec. 1907])

Ezra "Spunk" Grindle was an unrated member of the Columbia Chess Club (William Graham, Nightmare Alley [Card XIII])

look at the ceiling & imagine a chess board & where the pieces were & play chess on the ceiling. (David Berg: The Happiest Christmas, 1985)

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1051 Best 1098 (30/Jun/2021)
Type Blitz Rating 884 Best 1055 (06/May/2007)
Type Standard Rating 1062 Best 1855 (03/Jun/2022)
Type Bullet Rating 926 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 838 Best 1049 (28/Jan/2022)
Type 1-minute Rating 768 Best 986 (14/Sep/2022)
Type 15-minute Rating 1336 Best 1500 (10/Dec/2022)
Type 3-minute Rating 774 Best 1015 (07/Aug/2022)
Type Chess960 Rating 1095 Best 1127 (26/Feb/2021)
Type 25-minute Rating 1391 Best 1557 (16/Feb/2024)
