Personal Notes

This is a quick guide for the STC 45 10 Tourney. Please read the rules of the Tournament at: and also check out the STC-TD account at: ***

* JOINING * When the tourney is announced as "Open", join by typing: "Tell Mango Join" - Type: "Tell Mango Status" to see if you are registered. - You can also Latejoin before we start later rounds by typing: "Tell Mango Latejoin" - Please ask the TM for assistance in 252 if needed

* PAIRINGS * are are made by "Mango" at game time. We play 1 game of 45 10 each week - (4 per month) on Sundays at 11:00 EST. Please watch channels 90 and 252 for Announcements and Tournament Information. ***

* GRID # and STANDINGS * "Tell Mango Grid" while the tourney is in progress and / or go to: ***

* YOUR GAME * Show up before the round starts (about 15 minutes before the round) and verify you are in by typing: /Tell Mango Status - If you are not in the Tourney type: /Tell Mango Join ... or in later rounds type: /Tell Mango Latejoin (Notify TM of problems before the round starts)

* MATCHING YOUR OPPONENT * : Just Click on the Pop-up Challenge request when the round starts. Type: "Tell Mango Games" to see games in progress. ***

* BYES * You are given a 1/2 Point Bye for Round 1 if you "LateJoin" before Round 2 starts. Players can only request a (0) Point Bye in later rounds. Forced (1 Point) Byes are Bot Selected when Pairings are odd. ***

* LEAVING* If you need to Leave the Tourney for any reason please type: "Tell Mango Leave" If leaving after a completed game so you can play in another Bot tourney, please make sure are back in before the next round. This tourney has no DR points for leaving but please notify the TM.

* FORFEITS * Only players present at game time will be paired. If you are in the tourney but not present you will be forfeited at game time. If you want back in the following round show up prior to the next pairing and type: "Tell Mango Latejoin" or ask the TM for help in channel 252.

* PRIZES * Only the players who are in the tourney are eligible for prizes. If you do not show up for the last round without notifying the TM (this account) before the tourney ends you can not win a prize.

Server Ratings

This user has not played any rated games yet.
