Personal Notes

Kartman the best dog gentle giant we miss you we will be together again 2001-2017

I manage USCF regular rated tournaments @ lomgterm care facilities. I will run USCF regular rated matches and tourneys

I have a team of masters and senior masters who will review the games for computer use.

I am trying to expand opportunities

Frankie, the greatest cat, 25 March 2003-26 March 2021. We tried to save you; Sorry we couldnt. We wlll miss you. We will be together again

I am an admin and tomato manager; I serve the users.

Thank you to Billscotty for making me a better mamager an admin. Thanx to Lyon and Shawn

JAB, our boxer left us today. we took him after our son, army special forces died on a mission. we will miss him

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1058 Best 1383 (14/Apr/2004)
Type Blitz Rating 1022 Best 1400 (28/Mar/2011)
Type Standard Rating 1442 Best 1790 (17/Feb/2003)
Type Bullet Rating 817 Best 1226 (15/Oct/1998)
Type Bughouse Rating 1322 Best
Type Loser's Rating 1245 Best 1397 (26/Apr/2004)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 962 Best 1210 (17/Apr/2001)
Type 5-minute Rating 1002 Best 1269 (12/Nov/2001)
Type 1-minute Rating 705 Best
Type Correspondence Rating 1502 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1354 Best 1543 (04/Mar/2008)
Type 3-minute Rating 674 Best
Type Chess960 Rating 1498 Best
Type 25-minute Rating 1674 Best
