Personal Notes

I usually can play between 03:00-12:00 system time. I'm 49 years old finlandaise trying to get a grip of chess.

I don't give takebacks,and I consider your every move as permanent as in the actual chess board.. When I mouseslip myself I have found it is most often in stressful situation, so I think it is "fair" to punish for this.

I play chess because I find my limits easily with it and find it interesting to try to exceed my limitations: lack of concentration, poor memory, difficulties under stressful situations etc. I am not playing chess because I would think I am especially talented at it.

You might ask for draw in theoretically drawn positions with critical time deficit, I might take it.I understand chess is competive sport but I think the moves and the time they have been conducted in itself should determine the game - not any kind of outside play.

My chessblog is at:

I am proud member of Gomers Le Rampant Pawn Stars on TL 67, Eds LeCh1ess Cuttings TL 68, STC Rooks and johansson TL 76, TL94, TL 95, TL 96, TL 97 dragons and Maxwell's Equations. and TL 98 Maxwell's Equations and Chaotic Equations

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1256 Best 1354 (29/Nov/2012)
Type Standard Rating 1403 Best 1536 (01/Sep/2011)
Type 5-minute Rating 1320 Best 1459 (18/Jul/2013)
Type 1-minute Rating 796 Best 796 (21/Apr/2014)
Type 15-minute Rating 1490 Best 1500 (17/Oct/2013)
Type 25-minute Rating 1490 Best
