Personal Notes

The vote you took the other night showed courage. You voted to stick together; that's just what you should do. Spyder made a mistake, he went into town alone. A man alone is easy prey. The only way you're going to beat the Lahoods of the world is by sticking together.

No matter what happens tomorrow, don't forget that.

I finally got around to watching the CBS/CW series "Supergirl" nearly six years after its premiere. Excellent show--editing, sound, music, visual effects (with a few slips), set design all first rate. Melissa's acting knocks it out of the park. Highly recommended.

Kudos to all the "Supergirl" regulars, recurring, guest stars, and special guest stars. Particular praise to the flashback/time travel actors who played the young versions of Kara, Alex, and Kenny. And current-Alex got to direct young-Alex...nice!

"Save it for the Semantics Dome, E.B. White." "Ahh, he gets it!"

"Man, remember back when we were A-list?" "Yah. It all went south for me when I got that DUI and said all those things I secretly believe."

"Getting down and dirty with a procyon lotor...Got no people skills, but he's good with motors...."

"That weird thing by his side's an infantilized sequoia...The two of them walk by, people say, Oh boy-a......"

"Hit 1, you little bitch."

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 2262 Best 2350 (03/Dec/1998)
Type Blitz Rating 1560 Best 2315 (05/Dec/1998)
Type Standard Rating 1905 Best
Type Bullet Rating 2081 Best 2237 (12/Dec/1996)
Type 5-minute Rating 1760 Best 1803 (21/Aug/2001)
Type 3-minute Rating 1514 Best
