Personal Notes

Hola! Mi nombre es Carlos y soy Admin de ICC - Puedes preguntar sobre : cualquier duda que tengas, intentare responderte lo mas rapido posible.

Hello! Mi name is Carlos and Im an ICC Admin. Feel free to ask me questions : if you have doubts, I will try to answer fast.

Puedes usar tambien el Canal en Vivo de Ayuda: /tell 1 Mi pregunta es...

You can also use the Help Live Channel: /tell 1 My question is...

Para ver otros admins disponibles: /showadmin

To see other admins online: /showadmin


Iam not a bot

When you think all is not possible, just look at... well yes... all is possible... :

Post this note in your finger to support MACTEP to be wohl2

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1510 Best 1616 (01/Mar/2013)
Type Blitz Rating 2026 Best 2172 (17/Nov/2006)
Type Standard Rating 1925 Best 1994 (26/Dec/2007)
Type Bullet Rating 1617 Best 2127 (18/Apr/2008)
Type Bughouse Rating 1234 Best 1514 (14/Aug/2006)
Type Loser's Rating 1743 Best 1799 (31/May/2009)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1469 Best 1635 (11/Apr/2012)
Type 1-minute Rating 1913 Best 1957 (16/Jul/2006)
