Personal Notes

Javier Sanchez de la Barquera(1955 Mexico City) Visual Creativity and Graphic Design.

Blog de ajedrez:

Nunca discutas con un idiota. Te obligara a bajar a su nivel y entonces te vencera con su experiencia. Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience

Bolg personal:

play KBNk

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1457 Best 1550 (14/Feb/2008)
Type Blitz Rating 1713 Best 1884 (22/Aug/2002)
Type Standard Rating 2004 Best 2118 (28/Apr/2014)
Type Bullet Rating 1398 Best 1617 (25/May/2009)
Type Bughouse Rating 1382 Best 1431 (05/May/2003)
Type Loser's Rating 1527 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1114 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1720 Best 1754 (15/May/2014)
Type 1-minute Rating 1109 Best 1426 (03/Nov/2013)
Type 15-minute Rating 1768 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1751 Best 1761 (04/Feb/2021)
Type Chess960 Rating 1399 Best 1448 (11/Jun/2014)
Type 25-minute Rating 1956 Best 1956 (10/Feb/2021)
