Personal Notes

IM Mikel Huerga Leache, from Spain. 27 years old.

2440 FIDE (2018). 4 normas de GM. 4 GM norms.

Spanish Junior Champion 2007-08. 1st-3rd in Spain Senior 2015.

Contributor to New in Chess Yearbooks

Interested in playing different leagues throughout Europe and UK! Specially in France, London, ... If youre looking for a titled player, please contact me!

Interesado en jugar la liga de Reino Unido! - / Interested in playing the UK league! Please, contact me if youre interested!

Cansado de recibir clases inconexas, de recibir entrenamientos poco serios? Contactame para informarte sobre mi forma de trabajar y mis precios. #entrenamientosSerios #clases

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1190 Best
Type Blitz Rating 2614 Best 2966 (14/Nov/2008)
Type Standard Rating 1912 Best
Type Bullet Rating 1959 Best 2463 (07/Dec/2008)
Type Loser's Rating 1255 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 2212 Best 2514 (18/Dec/2008)
Type 1-minute Rating 2329 Best 2560 (09/May/2009)
Type 3-minute Rating 2348 Best 2410 (04/Nov/2013)
Type 25-minute Rating 1503 Best
